Sunday, August 20, 2023


"Anything touched or used by a human hand.."

LOCAL 839 wage Survey

Common Props

1. Vehicles for transportation
-General vehicle used by many - carriage, bus, sheriff jail cart,

2.Vehicle for private use 
-Villains vehicle, personal helicopter

3. Props used for making something
-Whiskey distiller, press machine, lemonade maker, knife sharpener, sandwich maker, chemistry potion maker, etc.

4. Props used to view something
-Large magnifying glass, microscope, steampunk microscope viewing set for biology experiments. 

5.Personal Props for Character Design
-Weapon, bag, backpack, desk used for experiments, sleeping quarters 

6. Large machine
-Present wrapper, torture device, catapult, gold mining machine, earth digging machine, weird steam locomotive, spy monitor set up

7. Exaggeration of Prop- Something never scene before
-Steam operated device, giant computer and micro processors, portable thermo nuclear generator.

8.Prop Furniture
-Complicated to simple props used by character in living environment
-work desk, throne, bead set, living room set,

9.Specialized closeup of a house or compositional grouping

10. Food Items ( you would need to have multiple samples, a page 7 +)-

11.Environment items like plants, or rocks ( you would need to have multiple samples, a page 7 +)

 Sample of Prop Design- Styles, Line Drawing, Color, Orthographic Views, 
Texture call outs

Some past lectures...for you

Prop Samples for you...

Props in Tone 

Prop Color & Style

Prop Layout Line Only

Game Design

Michael Spooner ( Animation Artist)



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